Teya Salat

MCGM established citizen Fcilitation Centre (CFC) across all municipal Wards in 2003 as single -Tuch-Point to Citizens for some of the often used Servies like Birth & Death Certificate, Licenses, payment. In 2007, these CFCs were connected to MCGM's network, enabling anywhere Service- meaning, any Citizen can avail Services form any CFCs and not nescessarily the ward CFCs where they reside, Further, in september 2007- some of these Services were launched on-line through MCGM's portal http://www.mcgm.gov.in

with the objective of bringing in more transparency and ease of Services Delivery to citizens, MCGM has now opened the huge data it has built over the past sevral years-like Birth/Death Registration, various types of Licenses (Health,Shops,Building/FACTORY), trade etc...) for view ing by any Mumbaikar through Internat, Anytime, from anywhere, without any Charges.
Any Mumbailar can go to http://www.mcgm.gov.in click on Citizen Services button and then selct Data Look-up. Any one of the following Registration/certificates category can be selected.

+ shop and establishment registration
+ trade licenses u/s 394
+ health licenses u/s 394 & 412
+ nurshing home licenses
+ advertising license u/s 328
+ hoarding license u/s 328
+ movable license u/s 328
+ sonography licenses
+ dog licenses
+ MPFA licenses
+ projection license
+ howker's license
+ factory permits